Talks on Friday at Luton Hoo Estate

Talks on Fridays

Luton Hoo Estate Office

Last Friday of the month October to April

10.30 – 12.30

Talks start at 11.00 am

£10.00 per person

to include tea or coffee and biscuits before the talk

Prior Booking required (if oversubscribed the talk may be repeated in the afternoon)

Winter 2023 – 2024

 27 Oct 2023    Walled Garden in the 20th Century

Speaker: Alex Amos – Uncover the Walled Garden’s past through memories from Gardeners and Employees in the 20th Century and discover how they lived through success and setbacks.

24 Nov 2023   Luton Hoo Estate Fire Brigade

Speaker:  Felicity Brimblecombe – Why, and when, did the Luton Hoo Estate have a Fire Brigade?  Who were some of the firemen?

26 Jan 2024    Visitors to Luton Hoo: Kings to Convicts

Speaker: Alex Amos – Over the centuries princes, politicians and poachers have visited Luton Hoo. Their interesting stories reveal the diverse tapestry of events in the past.

23 Feb 2024    Luton Hoo and the Town of Luton 1914 – 1919

Speaker: Pat Livesey – How the Luton Hoo Estate supported the town of Luton during and immediately after WWI.

222 Mar 2024    Who worked for Lord Bute in the 18th Century

Speaker: Felicity Brimblecombe – Some key men who worked at Luton Hoo for John Stuart, 3rd Earl of Bute – Archibald Thomson, his Botanical Adviser, and others.

26 Apr 2024    Conservation in the Walled Garden

Speaker: Pat Livesey – The Conservation Volunteers contribution to the development of the Walled Garden in the 21st Century.